General information

This section contains information for the parents of pupils who attend St Luke's primary school.
The policies and documents listed below can be accessed by clicking the links and then viewing or downloading as a word document.
School Term Dates

North Lincolnshire Council determines the school term dates there are 190 teaching days for pupils and 5 training days for staff.

holiday_dates_2011_2012.doc | |
File Size: | 179 kb |
File Type: | doc |
Attendance Policy

Please ring us on the first day of your child’s absence giving a reason. Alternatively, you may send a written explanation with the home-school transport.
If you know in advance about hospital appointments or other absences please let us know by writing a message in the home-school diary or ringing the school. If your child is absent for more than two days without explanation, we may contact you to find out why your child is absent. Please do not be offended that we should do so.
It is a requirement on all schools to regularly report levels of authorised and unauthorised absences. Authorised absences are the result as such events as illness, unavoidable medical appointments, family emergencies, transport failure, and special religious festivals. Unauthorised absences are recorded when there is no acceptable reason given for a child not being in school.
If your child arrives at school after 9.45, this will be recorded as a late arrival unless there is an acceptable reason, e.g. hospital visit, breakdown of home-school transport. Lateness without an acceptable reason will be counted as an unauthorised absence.
If you expect your child to only be absent for the morning and return by lunchtime, please confirm this so we can make sure a school meal is ordered.
If you know in advance about hospital appointments or other absences please let us know by writing a message in the home-school diary or ringing the school. If your child is absent for more than two days without explanation, we may contact you to find out why your child is absent. Please do not be offended that we should do so.
It is a requirement on all schools to regularly report levels of authorised and unauthorised absences. Authorised absences are the result as such events as illness, unavoidable medical appointments, family emergencies, transport failure, and special religious festivals. Unauthorised absences are recorded when there is no acceptable reason given for a child not being in school.
If your child arrives at school after 9.45, this will be recorded as a late arrival unless there is an acceptable reason, e.g. hospital visit, breakdown of home-school transport. Lateness without an acceptable reason will be counted as an unauthorised absence.
If you expect your child to only be absent for the morning and return by lunchtime, please confirm this so we can make sure a school meal is ordered.
Holidays and leave

The head teacher may give permission for up to ten days absence (or twenty sessions - mornings or afternoons) from school during any year for holidays or family events such as weddings, family gatherings, etc.
However, you should complete a form requesting permission at least two weeks in advance.
If you need a holiday form you can get one from the school office or download and print it out by clicking the following link.
To get a copy school closure dates click the link below.
However, you should complete a form requesting permission at least two weeks in advance.
If you need a holiday form you can get one from the school office or download and print it out by clicking the following link.
To get a copy school closure dates click the link below.

holiday_form.doc | |
File Size: | 76 kb |
File Type: | doc |
School meals and snacks

Cost of school meals is currently £10 per week. Please send the money in an envelope with your child’s name and class written clearly on it. The menu can change without notice.
The cost of the school meals is still heavily subsidised by North Lincolnshire Council. However, some parents on low income are entitled to free school meals. You can download a form for applying for free school meals clicking the following link: Free school meals. You also can phone the Education Benefits Section for more help on (Tel: 01724 297217).
The school makes healthy foods and drinks available for snacks. The schools does ask for a voluntary contribution of £4 each half-term towards the costs. The money partially offsets the cost to the school. Children will still receive the same healthy snacks and drinks if their parents can not afford to make a contribution. A letter will be sent to you each half-term requesting a voluntary contribution. Contributions need to be sent in an envelope with your child’s name.
To download a copy of the dinner menu click the link below.
The cost of the school meals is still heavily subsidised by North Lincolnshire Council. However, some parents on low income are entitled to free school meals. You can download a form for applying for free school meals clicking the following link: Free school meals. You also can phone the Education Benefits Section for more help on (Tel: 01724 297217).
The school makes healthy foods and drinks available for snacks. The schools does ask for a voluntary contribution of £4 each half-term towards the costs. The money partially offsets the cost to the school. Children will still receive the same healthy snacks and drinks if their parents can not afford to make a contribution. A letter will be sent to you each half-term requesting a voluntary contribution. Contributions need to be sent in an envelope with your child’s name.
To download a copy of the dinner menu click the link below.

menu.doc | |
File Size: | 896 kb |
File Type: | doc |
What Pupils should wear

There is an optional school uniform. This was developed after consultation with parents.
The uniform is a royal blue sweatshirt with the name of the school in gold. Each child will receive their first sweatshirt free on admission to the school. Thereafter, parents can buy replacements at cost.
The current prices are as follows:
Sweatshirts £7.75. Book bag £2.65. P.E. bag £1.60
The uniform is a royal blue sweatshirt with the name of the school in gold. Each child will receive their first sweatshirt free on admission to the school. Thereafter, parents can buy replacements at cost.
The current prices are as follows:
Sweatshirts £7.75. Book bag £2.65. P.E. bag £1.60
Bad Weather

In the case of severe weather St Luke's will endeavour to remain open if safe to do so, if this is not possible every effort will be made to inform parents,staff and associated agencies at the earliest opportunity of any closures.
But as we have experienced in previous years conditions can change rapidly making it difficult to always give ample warning,
if this is the case, information about school closures is broadcast on Radio Humberside or on their website.
But as we have experienced in previous years conditions can change rapidly making it difficult to always give ample warning,
if this is the case, information about school closures is broadcast on Radio Humberside or on their website.
Behaviour and discipline

These documents set out the school’s positive approach to establishing and maintaining good behaviour and good relationships with pupils and adults. There is an emphasis on seeking to understand why some pupils behave in challenging ways and teaching them more acceptable ways of behaving.

Safeguarding is the term used to describe a range of practices aimed at protecting children from abuse or neglect, preventing impairment of their health and development, and ensuring they receive safe and effective care. This section contains brief details about several policies that the school is required to have that may be of interest to parents. See also the policy on behaviour and discipline.

Click HERE to access links to websites that might contain useful information and resources relevant to St Luke's pupils and their parents.
About us

Click HERE to see a brief a history of St Luke's, information about the site and curriculum access and a slideshow showing the building of St Luke's.
Friends of St Luke's

Click HERE to access information about F.O.S.L.