Short Breaks
The following information about the short breaks scheme is taken from North Lincolnshire’s website.
A ‘short break’ is a valuable break from caring for a parent /carer of a disabled child or young person. It is also an opportunity for a disabled child or young person to take part in fun activities. Short breaks can take a variety of forms, including the provision of day, evening, overnight and weekend activities and can take place in the child’s own home, in a community setting, the home of an approved carer, or in a residential setting. They can help contribute to the child and young person’s social inclusion and personal development.
Short breaks in North Lincolnshire fall into three main areas. These are:
More in depth information on short breaks can be found on the North Lincolnshire Council website.
Each locality area in North Lincolnshire has a range of group based activities and opportunities for disabled children and young people, for example Out of School Clubs, Sport and Leisure Services, Youth Clubs. Disabled children and young people can attend these with or without support along with non-disabled children for a short break.
Each locality area has specially commissioned group based activities specifically for disabled children and young people.
Access to ‘short breaks’ is through the Short Breaks team. Parents and carers are asked to register their child for short breaks with this team as a first point of contact. Again, the telephone number is 01724 407988. A member of the Short Breaks team will then contact you to discuss your needs and to make sure you have information about the short break services available to you.
There is a “local minimum offer” which is an allocation of short beak hours without the need for any assessment. At this initial level there are 114 hours that can be used during school holiday periods.
If a parent considers that they need a higher level of short breaks, an assessment of the child and their family's needs will be undertaken. An assessment at this level would be through an identified professional involved as a result of the child’s disability. This is called a 'Common Assessment'.
Disabled children and young people with more complex needs, or those children living in more complex situations, may require a higher level of short breaks and more specialist support to meet their needs. This will be achieved through an assessment by a children’s specialist disability social worker.
A ‘short break’ is a valuable break from caring for a parent /carer of a disabled child or young person. It is also an opportunity for a disabled child or young person to take part in fun activities. Short breaks can take a variety of forms, including the provision of day, evening, overnight and weekend activities and can take place in the child’s own home, in a community setting, the home of an approved carer, or in a residential setting. They can help contribute to the child and young person’s social inclusion and personal development.
Short breaks in North Lincolnshire fall into three main areas. These are:
- Day-time care in the homes of disabled children or elsewhere which can be provided through daycare or sitting
- Overnight care in the homes of disabled children or elsewhere which can be provided through overnight sitting, the Cygnets or the Butterflies Short Break Foster Scheme
- Educational or leisure activities for disabled children outside their homes which can be provided through social befriending, community based short breaks, locality based specialist short breaks or the summer play scheme for disabled children
More in depth information on short breaks can be found on the North Lincolnshire Council website.
Each locality area in North Lincolnshire has a range of group based activities and opportunities for disabled children and young people, for example Out of School Clubs, Sport and Leisure Services, Youth Clubs. Disabled children and young people can attend these with or without support along with non-disabled children for a short break.
Each locality area has specially commissioned group based activities specifically for disabled children and young people.
Access to ‘short breaks’ is through the Short Breaks team. Parents and carers are asked to register their child for short breaks with this team as a first point of contact. Again, the telephone number is 01724 407988. A member of the Short Breaks team will then contact you to discuss your needs and to make sure you have information about the short break services available to you.
There is a “local minimum offer” which is an allocation of short beak hours without the need for any assessment. At this initial level there are 114 hours that can be used during school holiday periods.
If a parent considers that they need a higher level of short breaks, an assessment of the child and their family's needs will be undertaken. An assessment at this level would be through an identified professional involved as a result of the child’s disability. This is called a 'Common Assessment'.
Disabled children and young people with more complex needs, or those children living in more complex situations, may require a higher level of short breaks and more specialist support to meet their needs. This will be achieved through an assessment by a children’s specialist disability social worker.