Resources Committee
Chair: Michelle Thomas
Personnel Function - Terms of Reference:
NB: the power to consider the salaries of all other teaching staff be delegated to the head teacher subject to details being sent to the LA's Human Resources team.
Finance Function - Extent of Financial Delegation:
Personnel Function - Terms of Reference:
- pay grading issues (with the Head Teacher, in liaison with the LA, being
- empowered to deal with the annual incremental pay awards for all teaching staff)
- redeployment/redundancy
- disciplinary issues
- to act as an initial hearing
- use of fixed term contracts
NB: the power to consider the salaries of all other teaching staff be delegated to the head teacher subject to details being sent to the LA's Human Resources team.
Finance Function - Extent of Financial Delegation:
- the head teacher be empowered to amend the budget during the course of the year (virements) up to £10000
- the resources committee be empowered to amend the budget during the course of the year (virements) above £5000 but with a limit of £15,000 per single transaction
- the full governing body amend the budget during the course of the year (virements) above £15,000
- the head teacher be empowered to incur expenditure within the approved budget to a limit of £5,000
- the resources committee be empowered to incur expenditure within the approved budget above £5,000 for a single transaction, with a limit of £15,000
- expenditure within the approved budget above £15,000, for a single transaction, be dealt with by the full governing body
- the resources committee body be empowered to monitor income and expenditure during the course of the year against the budget and decide upon corrective action where necessary to avoid overspending and enable any underspend to be allocated to another project.
- the head teacher be empowered to dispose of surplus equipment to a limit of £2,500, for items between £2,500 and £50,000 one month’s notice of disposal must be given to the Service Director; Children
- the resources committee be empowered to approve, monitor and review the operation of the procedures required by SFVS and to decide upon any corrective action that may be deemed necessary to ensure compliance with financial regulations
- the resources committee be authorised to review the charges and concessions policy on an annual basis and give particular consideration to the charges for the community use of the school
- the resources committee be empowered to review and approve the governors allowance policy
- buy into service level agreements
- the finance committee be empowered to establish and maintain an up to date three year financial plan and that the full governing body approve the annual budget.
- the resources committee review and respond to reports by internal audit and to monitor and ensure implementation of agreed actions.
- the resources committee be empowered to review and approve annually the best value statement, whistleblower's policy, governors competencies and undertake annual benchmarking of income and expenditure.
- the resources committee to meet at least once each term, and report back on the school’s finances to the full governing body through detailed minutes.
- the finance committee in liaison with the head teacher be empowered to buy into service level agreements except the clerking SLA which should be a full governing body decision.