Other Committees of the St Luke's Board of Governors
Pupil Discipline
Appointments Committee
Chair: To be appointed at the meeting
Terms of reference:
Statutory Requirement:
When appointing a Head or Deputy Head Teacher the full Governing Body will be required to meet, with a 50% quorum, for the purpose of electing the Selection Committee.
Complaints Committee
Chair to nominate three governors subject to availability and the nature of the complaint
Terms of reference:
To consider
- to hear all pupil exclusions in accordance with legislation
Appointments Committee
Chair: To be appointed at the meeting
Terms of reference:
- To deal with all appointments of the leadership team except head teacher and deputy head teacher
- To deal with appointments of all teachers
- The appointment of all support staff was delegated to the head teacher and/or deputy head teacher and an available eligible governor nominated by the chair
Statutory Requirement:
When appointing a Head or Deputy Head Teacher the full Governing Body will be required to meet, with a 50% quorum, for the purpose of electing the Selection Committee.
Complaints Committee
Chair to nominate three governors subject to availability and the nature of the complaint
Terms of reference:
To consider
- parental complaints
- equal opportunities / harassment complaints (staff)